Chat Log for [GER|PFC] Shoebox only -ranked- - vCTF-ShoeBox4Necro_b4
on Sun, 08 Jan 2023 at 10:24:52
Minutes Player Text
-0.30 Collossus Team Change to Blue Team
-0.30 Matrix Team Change to Blue Team
-0.30 Avalon Team Change to Red Team
-0.30 Lauren Team Change to Blue Team
-0.30 Malise Team Change to Red Team
-0.30 Scorn Team Change to Blue Team
-0.30 Torque Team Change to Red Team
-0.30 Collossus Team Change to Blue Team
-0.30 Matrix Team Change to Blue Team
-0.30 Avalon Team Change to Red Team
-0.30 Lauren Team Change to Blue Team
-0.30 Malise Team Change to Red Team
-0.30 Scorn Team Change to Blue Team
-0.30 Torque Team Change to Red Team
0.00 Game Start
0.00 Wtpower Team Change to Red Team
0.18 Matrix Killed Wtpower with a Rocket Launcher
0.20 Wtpower Disconnected
0.20 Rook Team Change to Blue Team
0.20 Rook Team Change to Blue Team
0.21 Rook Disconnected
0.21 Damian Team Change to Red Team
0.21 Damian Team Change to Red Team
0.21 Matrix Killed Malise with a Rocket Launcher
0.36 Avalon Killed Matrix with a Ran Over
0.37 Malise Killed Collossus with a Rocket Launcher
0.39 Scorn Killed Avalon with a Viper
0.48 Damian Killed Scorn with a Nemisis
0.51 Lauren Killed Malise with a Grenade
0.51 Malise Disconnected
0.54 Avalon Killed Lauren with a Scorpion
0.59 Collossus Killed Avalon with a Rocket Launcher
0.59 Collossus Killed Torque with a Rocket Launcher
0.62 Wtpower Team Change to Red Team
0.90 Collossus Killed Damian with a Rocket Launcher
0.91 Scorn Killed Torque with a Rocket Launcher
1.10 Blue Team Captured Flag!
1.15 Scorn Killed Damian with a Rocket Launcher
1.17 Avalon Killed Lauren with a Shock Rifle
1.20 Wtpower Headshot Collossus with a Sniper Rifle
1.22 Matrix Killed Avalon with a Stinger Minigun
1.35 Lauren Killed Torque with a Viper
1.51 Scorn Killed Avalon with a Nemisis
1.55 Scorn Killed Torque with a Nemisis
1.59 Damian Killed Collossus with a Pancaked
1.65 Scorn Killed Damian with a Nemisis
1.72 Wtpower Killed Matrix with a Sniper Rifle
1.74 Avalon Killed Lauren with a Rocket Launcher
1.86 Wtpower Killed Scorn with an Avril
1.93 Collossus Killed Avalon with a Rocket Launcher
1.99 Scorn Killed Damian with a Rocket Launcher
1.99 Torque Killed Collossus with a Rocket Launcher
2.20 Damian Killed Scorn with a Viper
2.21 Scorn Killed Torque with a Rocket Launcher
2.21 Avalon Killed Collossus with a Rocket Launcher
2.22 Matrix Killed Avalon with a Flak Cannon
2.28 Damian Killed Lauren with a Viper
2.29 Scorn Killed Damian with a Viper
2.29 Wtpower Killed Matrix with a Sniper Rifle
2.39 Scorn Killed Avalon with a Viper
2.60 Damian Killed Matrix with a Rocket Launcher
2.60 Damian Killed Lauren with a Rocket Launcher
2.73 Torque Killed Matrix with a Rocket Launcher
2.74 Lauren Killed Torque with a Nemisis
2.79 Lauren Killed Avalon with a Nemisis
2.95 Collossus Killed Damian with a Rocket Launcher
2.95 Damian Killed Collossus with a Bio Rifle
3.11 Wtpower Headshot Matrix with a Sniper Rifle
3.12 Lauren Killed Torque with a Rocket Launcher
3.14 Collossus Killed Avalon with a Viper
3.20 Torque Killed Lauren with a Rocket Launcher
3.28 Avalon Killed Scorn with a Rocket Launcher
3.28 Damian Killed Collossus with a Nemisis
3.37 Avalon Killed Matrix with a Rocket Launcher
3.45 Scorn Killed Avalon with a Rocket Launcher
3.59 Lauren Killed Torque with a Rocket Launcher
3.64 Avalon Killed Lauren with a Viper
3.76 Matrix Killed Avalon with a Rocket Launcher
3.98 Avalon Killed Collossus with a Shock Rifle
3.99 Scorn Killed Damian with a Viper
4.04 Matrix Killed Avalon with a Link Gun
4.05 Scorn Killed Torque with a Ran Over
4.19 Lauren Killed Avalon with a Ran Over
4.22 Collossus Killed Damian with a Nemisis
4.27 Lauren Killed Damian with a Rocket Launcher
4.28 Collossus Killed Avalon with a Nemisis
4.42 Matrix Killed Torque with a Rocket Launcher
4.43 Torque Killed Lauren with a Link Gun
4.54 Avalon Killed Matrix with a Nemisis
4.71 Matrix Killed Torque with a Rocket Launcher
4.74 Scorn Killed Damian with a Scorpion
4.77 Wtpower Killed Matrix with a Rocket Launcher
4.86 Damian Killed Scorn with a Rocket Launcher
4.90 Avalon Killed Matrix with a Nemisis
4.92 Matrix Killed Torque with a Rocket Launcher
4.99 Wtpower Killed Lauren with a Sniper Rifle
5.00 Damian Killed Matrix with a Rocket Launcher
5.04 Collossus Killed Damian with a Rocket Launcher
5.10 Torque Killed Scorn with a Rocket Launcher
5.14 Blue Team Captured Flag!
5.20 Wtpower Suicided with an Avril
5.22 Collossus Killed Avalon with a Rocket Launcher
5.32 Lauren Killed Torque with a Nemisis
5.36 Scorn Killed Damian with a Ran Over
5.36 Collossus Killed Wtpower with a Rocket Launcher
5.46 Avalon Killed Collossus with a Scorpion
5.52 Lauren Killed Avalon with a Nemisis
5.66 Wtpower Killed Matrix with an Avril
5.72 Lauren Killed Damian with a Nemisis
5.73 Damian Killed Lauren with a Rocket Launcher
5.83 Avalon Killed Scorn with a Nemisis
6.03 Avalon Killed Matrix with a Nemisis
6.06 Avalon Killed Collossus with a Ran Over
6.25 Avalon Killed Scorn with a Rocket Launcher
6.30 Matrix Killed Wtpower with a Flak Cannon
6.32 Scorn Killed Damian with a Flak Cannon
6.60 Damian Killed Collossus with a Scorpion
6.72 Collossus Killed Avalon with a Shock Rifle
6.94 Red Team Captured Flag!
7.01 Damian Killed Matrix with a Scorpion
7.02 Damian Killed Scorn with a Ran Over
7.12 Avalon Killed Collossus with a Nemisis
7.17 Wtpower Killed Scorn with a Stinger Minigun
7.34 Red Team Captured Flag!
7.36 Avalon Killed Collossus with a Nemisis
7.37 Matrix Killed Damian with a Rocket Launcher
7.45 Torque Killed Matrix with a Viper
7.59 Torque Killed Matrix with a Shock Rifle
7.60 Avalon Killed Scorn with a Nemisis
7.77 Scorn Killed Torque with a Scorpion
7.86 Wtpower Killed Scorn with an Avril
7.95 Collossus Killed Damian with a Rocket Launcher
7.95 Collossus Suicided with a Rocket Launcher
8.10 Torque Killed Matrix with a Rocket Launcher
8.15 Wtpower Killed Collossus with a Sniper Rifle
8.15 Lauren Killed Torque with a Nemisis
8.35 Wtpower Killed Matrix with a Sniper Rifle
8.43 Avalon Killed Lauren with a Nemisis
8.46 Torque Killed Matrix with a Viper
8.48 Collossus Killed Avalon with a Scorpion
8.48 Collossus Killed Damian with a Ran Over
8.62 Damian Killed Scorn with a Stinger Minigun
8.67 Avalon Killed Collossus with a Rocket Launcher
8.67 Avalon Suicided with a Rocket Launcher
8.86 Lauren Killed Torque with a Flak Cannon
8.89 Scorn Killed Damian with a Viper
8.93 Wtpower Killed Collossus with a Stinger Minigun
8.95 Wtpower Killed Lauren with a Stinger Minigun
8.96 Matrix Suicided
8.97 Scorn Killed Wtpower with a Ran Over
9.05 Avalon Killed Scorn with a Link Gun
9.23 Torque Killed Collossus with a Nemisis
9.23 Avalon Killed Matrix with a Rocket Launcher
9.25 Matrix Killed Damian with a Rocket Launcher
9.39 Scorn Killed Avalon with a Nemisis
9.43 Scorn Killed Torque with a Nemisis
9.44 Collossus Died from an UTDmgType_XRay
9.60 Collossus Suicided with a Rocket Launcher
9.60 Scorn Killed Damian with a Nemisis
9.62 Torque Killed Scorn with a Viper
9.66 Torque Killed Matrix with a Viper
9.78 Collossus Suicided with a Scorpion
10.06 Damian Killed Matrix with a Nemisis
10.07 Matrix Killed Damian with a Rocket Launcher
10.23 Collossus Killed Avalon with a Nemisis
10.24 Collossus Killed Torque with a Nemisis
10.25 Collossus Killed Damian with a Nemisis
10.34 Collossus Killed Avalon with a Nemisis
10.35 Avalon Killed Collossus with a Viper
10.53 Matrix Killed Torque with a Rocket Launcher
10.54 Torque Killed Matrix with a Rocket Launcher
10.57 Scorn Killed Damian with a Ran Over
10.64 Scorn Killed Avalon with a Scorpion
10.79 Damian Killed Scorn with a Vehicle Explosion
10.82 Damian Killed Collossus with a Nemisis
10.86 Damian Killed Matrix with a Nemisis
10.90 Damian Killed Collossus with a Nemisis
11.04 Damian Killed Scorn with a Nemisis
11.27 Torque Killed Collossus with a Ran Over
11.47 Scorn Killed Damian with a Rocket Launcher
11.48 Torque Killed Scorn with a Viper
11.49 Torque Killed Matrix with a Viper
11.57 Collossus Suicided with a Pancaked
11.73 Scorn Killed Torque with a Nemisis
11.78 Matrix Killed Avalon with a Rocket Launcher
11.91 Collossus Killed Damian with a Rocket Launcher
12.00 Scorn Killed Damian with a Rocket Launcher
12.00 Damian Disconnected
12.07 Torque Killed Scorn with a Scorpion
12.07 Matrix Killed Torque with a Stinger Minigun
12.10 Scorn Disconnected
12.10 Harbinger Team Change to Red Team
12.10 Harbinger Team Change to Red Team
12.11 Alice Cooper Team Change to Blue Team
12.28 Avalon Suicided with a Grenade
12.28 Collossus Suicided with a Rocket Launcher
12.34 Torque Killed Matrix with a Nemisis
12.47 Lauren Killed Torque with a Rocket Launcher
12.69 Collossus Killed Avalon with a Nemisis
12.71 Harbinger Killed Lauren with a Viper
12.74 Harbinger Killed Collossus with a Viper
12.77 Matrix Killed Harbinger with a Rocket Launcher
12.88 Avalon Suicided with a Rocket Launcher
12.95 Harbinger Killed Matrix with a Rocket Launcher
13.08 Collossus Killed Harbinger with a Rocket Launcher
13.09 Harbinger Killed Collossus with a Rocket Launcher
13.16 Matrix Killed Avalon with a Rocket Launcher
13.32 Collossus Killed Torque with a Link Gun
13.37 Collossus Killed Harbinger with a Link Gun
13.44 Avalon Killed Alice Cooper with a Ran Over
13.57 Avalon Killed Matrix with a Viper
13.73 Torque Killed Lauren with a Ran Over
13.74 Alice Cooper Killed Torque with a Scorpion
13.84 Avalon Killed Collossus with a Viper
13.93 Matrix Killed Avalon with a Rocket Launcher
13.99 Torque Killed Lauren with a Rocket Launcher
14.19 Torque Killed Collossus with a Rocket Launcher
14.34 Avalon Killed Lauren with a Rocket Launcher
14.35 Alice Cooper Killed Torque with a Shock Rifle
14.41 Collossus Killed Harbinger with a Bio Rifle
14.46 Torque Killed Matrix with a Viper
14.48 Collossus Killed Avalon with a Rocket Launcher
14.64 Torque Killed Matrix with a Viper
14.75 Lauren Suicided with a Viper
14.85 Lauren Suicided with a Rocket Launcher
14.91 Matrix Killed Torque with a Stinger Minigun
14.96 Collossus Died from an UTDmgType_XRay
15.07 Collossus Killed Avalon with a Rocket Launcher
15.17 Blue Team Captured Flag!
15.23 Torque Killed Matrix with a Rocket Launcher
15.34 Alice Cooper Killed Avalon with a Shock Rifle
15.46 Lauren Killed Torque with a Nemisis
15.50 Alice Cooper Killed Avalon with a Shock Rifle
15.59 Avalon Killed Lauren with a Viper
15.67 Avalon Killed Alice Cooper with a Ran Over
15.79 Avalon Killed Collossus with a Flak Cannon
15.83 Alice Cooper Killed Harbinger with a Rocket Launcher
15.94 Alice Cooper Killed Torque with a Shock Rifle
15.97 Matrix Killed Avalon with a Flak Cannon
15.97 Avalon Killed Matrix with a Flak Cannon
16.09 Alice Cooper Killed Harbinger with a Shock Rifle
16.23 Harbinger Killed Lauren with a Rocket Launcher
16.28 Alice Cooper Killed Avalon with an Avril
16.37 Torque Killed Collossus with a Link Gun
16.39 Alice Cooper Killed Harbinger with a Flak Cannon
16.42 Lauren Killed Avalon with a Viper
16.47 Alice Cooper Killed Torque with a Flak Cannon
16.55 Harbinger Killed Matrix with a Rocket Launcher
16.57 Blue Team Captured Flag!
16.66 Lauren Killed Avalon with a Ran Over
16.71 Matrix Killed Harbinger with a Rocket Launcher
16.77 Alice Cooper Killed Torque with a Scorpion
16.84 Alice Cooper Killed Torque with a Scorpion
16.86 Alice Cooper Killed Harbinger with a Scorpion
17.06 Lauren Killed Avalon with a Nemisis
17.09 Matrix Killed Torque with a Stinger Minigun
17.12 Avalon Killed Collossus with a Rocket Launcher
17.16 Lauren Killed Harbinger with a Nemisis
17.31 Harbinger Killed Matrix with a Rocket Launcher
17.38 Lauren Killed Harbinger with a Nemisis
17.39 Harbinger Killed Lauren with a Rocket Launcher
17.71 Torque Killed Lauren with a Rocket Launcher
17.74 Blue Team Captured Flag!
17.90 Lauren Killed Torque with a Ran Over
18.08 Alice Cooper Killed Harbinger with a Shock Rifle
18.13 Torque Killed Lauren with a Nemisis
18.28 Harbinger Killed Matrix with a Rocket Launcher
18.55 Lauren Killed Torque with a Scorpion
18.57 Avalon Suicided with a Rocket Launcher
18.68 Lauren Killed Harbinger with a Scorpion
18.74 Blue Team Captured Flag!
18.88 Lauren Killed Harbinger with a Rocket Launcher
18.95 Alice Cooper Killed Torque with a Shock Rifle
19.12 Lauren Killed Torque with a Rocket Launcher
19.25 Torque Killed Lauren with a Rocket Launcher
19.36 Torque Killed Matrix with a Rocket Launcher
19.36 Torque Suicided with a Rocket Launcher
19.38 Harbinger Killed Alice Cooper with a Nemisis
19.41 Red Team Captured Flag!
19.46 Avalon Died from an UTDmgType_XRay
19.47 Alice Cooper Killed Harbinger with a Rocket Launcher
19.49 Lauren Suicided with a Rocket Launcher
19.51 Matrix Killed Wtpower with a Rocket Launcher
19.60 Alice Cooper Killed Torque with a Rocket Launcher
19.67 Alice Cooper Killed Avalon with a Rocket Launcher
19.69 Harbinger Killed Alice Cooper with a Rocket Launcher
19.82 Wtpower Killed Matrix with a Rocket Launcher
19.96 Matrix Killed Harbinger with a Rocket Launcher
20.03 Torque Killed Lauren with a Viper
20.11 Matrix Killed Avalon with a Rocket Launcher
20.13 Torque Killed Matrix with a Viper
20.19 Harbinger Killed Lauren with a Nemisis
20.32 Matrix Killed Avalon with a Rocket Launcher
20.38 Torque Killed Matrix with a Viper
20.42 Torque Killed Lauren with a Viper
20.44 Red Team Captured Flag!
20.53 Torque Killed Matrix with a Viper
20.61 Torque Killed Lauren with a Viper
20.68 Alice Cooper Killed Avalon with a Shock Rifle
20.68 Lauren Killed Torque with a Rocket Launcher
20.70 Harbinger Killed Alice Cooper with a Nemisis
20.81 Harbinger Killed Matrix with a Nemisis
20.84 Harbinger Killed Lauren with a Nemisis
20.89 Matrix Killed Harbinger with a Stinger Minigun
20.91 Wtpower Killed Matrix with a Sniper Rifle
21.01 Avalon Killed Matrix with a Ran Over
21.13 Alice Cooper Headshot Wtpower with a Sniper Rifle
21.35 Harbinger Killed Matrix with a Rocket Launcher
21.35 Harbinger Suicided with a Rocket Launcher
21.45 Alice Cooper Headshot Torque with a Sniper Rifle
21.54 Torque Killed Lauren with a Nemisis
21.55 Torque Killed Matrix with a Nemisis
21.65 Lauren Suicided with a Rocket Launcher
21.75 Lauren Killed Avalon with a Stinger Minigun
21.85 Torque Killed Matrix with a Nemisis
21.90 Torque Killed Lauren with a Nemisis
21.95 Red Team Captured Flag!
22.07 Avalon Killed Matrix with a Rocket Launcher
22.12 Harbinger Killed Lauren with a Viper
22.16 Harbinger Killed Matrix with a Viper
22.16 Lauren Killed Avalon with a Rocket Launcher
22.16 Harbinger Killed Lauren with a Viper
22.33 Alice Cooper Killed Harbinger with an Avril
22.34 Alice Cooper Suicided with a Ran Over
22.39 Lauren Killed Wtpower with a Stinger Minigun
22.52 Alice Cooper Killed Harbinger with a Ran Over
22.60 Alice Cooper Killed Torque with a Rocket Launcher
22.69 Lauren Killed Avalon with a Rocket Launcher
22.78 Torque Killed Lauren with a Scorpion
22.85 Harbinger Killed Matrix with a Nemisis
22.98 Lauren Killed Torque with a Nemisis
23.03 Wtpower Killed Lauren with a Viper
23.12 Harbinger Killed Matrix with a Rocket Launcher
23.21 Torque Killed Matrix with a Rocket Launcher
23.36 Torque Suicided with a Rocket Launcher
23.41 Blue Team Captured Flag!
23.41 Game Ended - Team Score Limit

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