Chat Log for - vCTF-Suspense
on Thu, 02 May 2024 at 16:18:14
Minutes Player Text
-0.28 Aspect Team Change to Blue Team
-0.28 Monarch Team Change to Red Team
-0.28 Aspect Team Change to Blue Team
-0.28 Monarch Team Change to Red Team
0.00 Game Start
0.01 Mordo4kin Team Change to Blue Team
0.01 MATISSE_LIGRE Team Change to Red Team
0.01 Konstantin718 Team Change to Red Team
0.28 MATISSE_LIGRE Suicided
0.28 MATISSE_LIGRE Disconnected
0.28 Sharptooth Suicided
0.28 Sharptooth Disconnected
0.28 Cain Team Change to Blue Team
0.28 Blain Team Change to Red Team
0.28 Cain Team Change to Blue Team
0.28 Blain Team Change to Red Team
0.55 Collossus Killed Freylis with a Goliath
0.59 Blain Killed Collossus with a Raptor
0.68 Monarch Killed Matrix with a Ran Over
0.78 Othello Killed Wraith with a Vehicle Shock Turret
0.89 Othello Killed Aspect with a Vehicle Shock Turret
0.98 Matrix Killed Blain with a Scorpion
0.98 Matrix Killed Monarch with a Scorpion
1.03 Freylis Killed Collossus with a Hell Bender
1.12 Freylis Killed Wraith with a Hell Bender
1.22 Freylis Killed Aspect with a Hell Bender
1.32 Monarch Killed Collossus with a Manta
1.37 Aspect Killed Monarch with a Goliath
1.44 Aspect Killed Freylis with a Goliath
1.44 Aspect Killed Othello with a Goliath
1.67 Monarch Killed Matrix with a Flak Cannon
1.76 Aspect Killed Cathode with a Goliath
1.77 Wraith Killed Monarch with a Vehicle Shock Turret
1.89 Freylis Killed Aspect with a Goliath
1.92 Wraith Killed Freylis with a Vehicle Shock Turret
2.10 Monarch Killed Wraith with a Manta
2.22 Aspect Killed Freylis with a Manta
2.27 Aspect Killed Monarch with a Manta
2.67 Cathode Killed Cain with a SPMA
2.67 Monarch Killed Aspect with a Raptor
2.81 Othello Killed Collossus with a Link Gun
2.85 Wraith Killed Othello with a Link Gun
2.86 Wraith Killed Blain with a Link Gun
3.05 Blain Killed Wraith with a Goliath
3.19 Aspect Killed Freylis with a Goliath
3.34 Blain Killed Collossus with a Goliath
3.35 Aspect Killed Blain with a Goliath
3.39 Aspect Killed Othello with a Goliath
3.50 Aspect Killed Freylis with a Goliath
3.57 Aspect Killed Blain with a Goliath
3.61 Aspect Killed Othello with a Goliath
3.67 Wraith Killed Monarch with a Raptor
3.73 Othello Killed Aspect with a Stinger Minigun
3.97 Monarch Killed Wraith with a Manta
4.54 Aspect Killed Monarch with a Link Gun
4.58 Freylis Killed Collossus with a Link Gun
4.59 Wraith Killed Freylis with a Stinger Minigun
4.69 Othello Killed Aspect with a Scorpion
4.75 Blain Killed Collossus with a Raptor
4.81 Cain Killed Othello with an Avril
4.94 Freylis Killed Wraith with a Goliath
4.99 Matrix Killed Blain with a Flak Cannon
5.07 Monarch Killed Cain with a Stinger Minigun
5.16 Freylis Killed Collossus with a Goliath
5.40 Collossus Killed Freylis with a Goliath
5.40 Collossus Killed Othello with a Goliath
5.63 Blain Killed Collossus with a Manta
5.76 Othello Killed Aspect with a Raptor
5.88 Wraith Killed Monarch with a SPMA
5.96 Blain Killed Collossus with a Stinger Minigun
6.06 Othello Killed Wraith with a Raptor
6.09 Cain Killed Blain with a Link Gun
6.13 Monarch Killed Matrix with a Goliath
6.15 Othello Killed Collossus with a Raptor
6.48 Collossus Killed Othello with a Goliath
6.56 Wraith Killed Blain with a Raptor
6.61 Monarch Killed Wraith with a Goliath
6.71 Collossus Killed Othello with a Goliath
6.77 Aspect Killed Cathode with a Goliath Machine Gun
6.77 Aspect Killed Monarch with a Goliath Machine Gun
6.82 Collossus Killed Freylis with a Goliath
6.91 Matrix Killed Blain with a Manta
7.07 Cathode Killed Aspect with a Stinger Minigun
7.07 Cathode Killed Matrix with a Stinger Minigun
7.17 Blain Killed Collossus with a Stinger Minigun
7.38 Blain Killed Cain with a Stinger Minigun
7.57 Matrix Killed Freylis with a Ran Over
7.59 Cathode Killed Wraith with a Link Gun
7.72 Collossus Killed Blain with a Link Gun
7.76 Matrix Killed Othello with a Vehicle Shock Turret
7.94 Freylis Killed Collossus with a Goliath
8.11 Blain Killed Collossus with a Ran Over
8.12 Matrix Killed Freylis with a Vehicle Shock Turret
8.18 Othello Killed Aspect with a Link Gun
8.29 Wraith Killed Monarch with a Stinger Minigun
8.39 Othello Killed Matrix with a Manta
8.54 Othello Killed Collossus with a Pancaked
8.60 Freylis Killed Wraith with a Rocket Launcher
8.62 Othello Killed Aspect with a Manta
8.75 Othello Killed Matrix with a Ran Over
8.81 Wraith Killed Blain with a Goliath
8.84 Othello Killed Collossus with a Manta
8.99 Wraith Killed Monarch with a Goliath
8.99 Wraith Killed Othello with a Goliath
9.06 Wraith Killed Blain with a Goliath
9.07 Freylis Killed Wraith with a Rocket Launcher
9.23 Matrix Killed Freylis with a Vehicle Shock Turret
9.30 Monarch Killed Aspect with a Goliath
9.30 Monarch Killed Collossus with a Goliath
9.55 Wraith Killed Cathode with a Link Gun
9.58 Wraith Killed Freylis with a Vehicle Shock Turret
9.61 Blain Killed Cain with a Raptor
9.62 Wraith Killed Othello with a Vehicle Shock Turret
9.63 Monarch Killed Wraith with a Goliath
9.88 Freylis Killed Aspect with a Manta
9.99 Freylis Killed Wraith with a Manta
9.99 Monarch Killed Cain with a Goliath
10.02 Cathode Killed Collossus with a Manta
10.09 Cathode Killed Matrix with a Ran Over
10.18 Freylis Killed Wraith with a Manta
10.28 Freylis Killed Cain with a Manta
10.34 Freylis Killed Matrix with a Manta
10.36 Blain Killed Aspect with a Stinger Minigun
10.40 Collossus Killed Blain with a Stinger Minigun
10.44 Cain Killed Freylis with a Goliath
10.44 Freylis Killed Collossus with a Manta
10.61 Cain Killed Othello with a Goliath
10.62 Monarch Killed Matrix with a Goliath
10.70 Wraith Killed Monarch with a Hell Bender
10.87 Aspect Killed Freylis with a Vehicle Shock Turret
10.90 Othello Killed Aspect with a Stinger Minigun
10.90 Othello Killed Wraith with a Stinger Minigun
10.96 Collossus Killed Cathode with a SPMA
11.06 Matrix Fell to their death
11.49 Wraith Killed Blain with a Ran Over
11.59 Aspect Killed Monarch with a Scorpion
11.77 Matrix Killed Blain with a Manta
11.87 Monarch Killed Matrix with a Goliath
11.90 Aspect Killed Freylis with a Scorpion
12.02 Monarch Killed Aspect with a Goliath
12.31 Monarch Killed Collossus with a Goliath
12.34 Matrix Killed Cathode with a Raptor
12.45 Freylis Killed Wraith with a Manta
12.54 Aspect Killed Blain with a Link Gun
12.65 Monarch Killed Wraith with a Goliath
12.67 Aspect Killed Monarch with a Scorpion
12.76 Collossus Killed Freylis with a Flak Cannon
12.89 Blain Killed Matrix with a Flak Cannon
13.30 Monarch Killed Aspect with a Raptor
13.57 Aspect Killed Monarch with a Manta
13.58 Blain Killed Collossus with a Ran Over
13.88 Blain Killed Matrix with a Manta
13.95 Monarch Killed Aspect with a Goliath
14.20 Monarch Killed Wraith with a Goliath
14.23 Aspect Killed Blain with a Vehicle Shock Turret
14.37 Cathode Killed Collossus with a Sniper Rifle
14.63 Monarch Killed Wraith with a Goliath
14.71 Blain Killed Matrix with a Raptor
14.75 Collossus Killed Freylis with a Ran Over
14.84 Wraith Killed Othello with a Goliath Machine Gun
15.10 Blain Killed Matrix with a Goliath
15.11 Collossus Killed Othello with a Goliath
15.14 Freylis Killed Collossus with a Goliath Machine Gun
15.14 Freylis Killed Wraith with a Goliath Machine Gun
15.27 Monarch Killed Aspect with a Raptor
15.32 Freylis Killed Cain with a Goliath Machine Gun
15.46 Wraith Killed Monarch with a Raptor
15.48 Blain Killed Matrix with a Goliath
15.52 Blain Killed Aspect with a Goliath
15.55 Blain Killed Collossus with a Goliath
15.57 Wraith Killed Blain with a Raptor
15.57 Wraith Killed Freylis with a Raptor
15.79 Wraith Killed Othello with a Raptor
15.95 Blain Killed Matrix with a Raptor
15.96 Wraith Killed Blain with a Raptor
16.11 Konstantin718 Killed Aspect with a Ran Over
16.13 Cathode Killed Collossus with a Sniper Rifle
16.26 Cain Fell to their death
16.27 Blain Killed Wraith with a Vehicle Shock Turret
16.32 Konstantin718 Killed Matrix with a Manta
16.50 Monarch Killed Wraith with a Manta
16.56 Konstantin718 Killed Cain with a Stinger Minigun
16.61 Aspect Killed Blain with a Goliath
16.76 Konstantin718 Killed Matrix with a Ran Over
16.79 Konstantin718 Killed Collossus with a Ran Over
16.84 Aspect Killed Othello with a Goliath
16.91 Collossus Killed Freylis with a Stinger Minigun
16.97 Wraith Killed Monarch with a Stinger Minigun
16.98 Konstantin718 Killed Matrix with a Ran Over
17.00 Aspect Killed Konstantin718 with a Goliath
17.15 Blain Killed Aspect with a Scorpion
17.26 Mordo4kin Died from an Unknown Weapon
17.26 Mordo4kin Team Change to Red Team
17.27 Cathode Suicided
17.27 Cathode Disconnected
17.27 Loque Team Change to Blue Team
17.27 Blain Killed Cain with a Scorpion
17.27 Loque Team Change to Blue Team
17.36 Blain Killed Collossus with a Scorpion
17.38 Matrix Killed Freylis with a Vehicle Shock Turret
17.39 Matrix Killed Blain with a Vehicle Shock Turret
17.49 Konstantin718 Killed Aspect with a Stinger Minigun
17.54 Othello Killed Matrix with a Goliath
17.76 Aspect Killed Monarch with a Stinger Minigun
17.78 Collossus Killed Freylis with a Manta
17.79 Konstantin718 Killed Collossus with a Vehicle Explosion
17.88 Othello Killed Aspect with a Goliath
17.88 Konstantin718 Killed Wraith with a Vehicle Shock Turret
18.14 Monarch Killed Matrix with a Stinger Minigun
18.21 Collossus Killed Othello with a Goliath
18.33 Matrix Killed Monarch with a Manta
18.53 Matrix Killed Freylis with a Manta
18.53 Othello Killed Matrix with a Stinger Minigun
18.54 Collossus Killed Blain with a Goliath
18.60 Mordo4kin Killed Loque with a Ran Over
18.80 Wraith Killed Mordo4kin with a Goliath Machine Gun
18.90 Konstantin718 Killed Collossus with a Vehicle Shock Turret
18.90 Konstantin718 Killed Wraith with a Vehicle Shock Turret
18.95 Cain Killed Konstantin718 with an Avril
19.11 Freylis Killed Cain with a Goliath
19.18 Collossus Killed Mordo4kin with a Manta
19.20 Matrix Killed Freylis with a Stinger Minigun
19.26 Collossus Killed Othello with a Manta
19.31 Konstantin718 Killed Loque with a Stinger Minigun
19.34 Wraith Killed Blain with a Link Gun
19.35 Konstantin718 Killed Collossus with a Stinger Minigun
19.42 Mordo4kin Killed Matrix with a Stinger Minigun
19.47 Konstantin718 Killed Aspect with a Ran Over
19.49 Monarch Killed Cain with a Manta
19.61 Konstantin718 Killed Collossus with a Ran Over
19.75 Konstantin718 Killed Aspect with a Ran Over
19.82 Loque Killed Monarch with a Link Gun
19.87 Wraith Killed Konstantin718 with a Raptor
19.95 Wraith Killed Freylis with a Raptor
20.05 Matrix Killed Othello with a Goliath
20.06 Othello Killed Cain with a Stinger Minigun
20.13 Matrix Killed Blain with a Ran Over
20.15 Wraith Killed Konstantin718 with a Raptor
20.18 Matrix Killed Monarch with a Goliath
20.38 Konstantin718 Killed Wraith with a Stinger Minigun
20.43 Aspect Killed Othello with a Stinger Minigun
20.53 Matrix Killed Konstantin718 with a Goliath
20.61 Matrix Killed Blain with a Goliath
20.61 Matrix Killed Freylis with a Goliath
20.65 Matrix Killed Mordo4kin with a Goliath
20.69 Matrix Killed Konstantin718 with a Goliath
20.73 Othello Killed Matrix with a Stinger Minigun
20.84 Collossus Killed Othello with a Manta
20.96 Collossus Killed Monarch with a Manta
21.10 Wraith Killed Freylis with a Flak Cannon
21.14 Konstantin718 Killed Collossus with a Flak Cannon
21.19 Konstantin718 Killed Aspect with a Flak Cannon
21.22 Mordo4kin Killed Loque with a Sniper Rifle
21.31 Blain Killed Wraith with a Flak Cannon
21.37 Konstantin718 Killed Cain with a Stinger Minigun
21.51 Konstantin718 Killed Collossus with a Stinger Minigun
21.61 Konstantin718 Killed Cain with a Stinger Minigun
21.67 Monarch Killed Matrix with a Manta
21.70 Wraith Killed Monarch with a Manta
21.71 Monarch Killed Wraith with a Manta
21.72 Collossus Killed Blain with a Goliath
21.73 Freylis Killed Aspect with a Goliath
21.79 Loque Killed Freylis with a Stinger Minigun
21.79 Loque Killed Othello with a Stinger Minigun
22.00 Cain Killed Konstantin718 with a Link Gun
22.01 Monarch Killed Loque with a Manta
22.05 Collossus Killed Monarch with a Goliath
22.05 Freylis Killed Collossus with a Stinger Minigun
22.13 Mordo4kin Killed Matrix with a Sniper Rifle
22.22 Collossus Killed Mordo4kin with a Manta
22.45 Collossus Killed Freylis with a Manta
22.46 Konstantin718 Killed Wraith with a Stinger Minigun
22.54 Monarch Killed Collossus with a Vehicle Shock Turret
22.58 Konstantin718 Killed Matrix with a Stinger Minigun
22.90 Freylis Killed Aspect with a Goliath
22.90 Konstantin718 Killed Wraith with a Rocket Launcher
22.99 Konstantin718 Killed Matrix with a Rocket Launcher
23.16 Cain Drowned
23.19 Othello Killed Collossus with a Manta
23.22 Freylis Killed Loque with a Goliath
23.32 Red Team Captured Flag!
23.50 Monarch Killed Aspect with a Manta
23.50 Othello Killed Wraith with a Manta
23.58 Wraith Killed Konstantin718 with a Stinger Minigun
23.59 Othello Killed Cain with a Manta
23.64 Konstantin718 Disconnected
23.64 Freylis Killed Loque with a Goliath
23.64 Loque Disconnected
23.64 Sharptooth Team Change to Blue Team
23.64 Worg Team Change to Red Team
23.64 Worg Team Change to Red Team
23.74 Othello Killed Wraith with a Manta
23.78 Othello Killed Aspect with a Manta
23.99 Freylis Killed Cain with a Goliath
24.07 Freylis Killed Wraith with a Goliath
24.21 Red Team Captured Flag!
24.30 Mordo4kin Killed Matrix with a Sniper Rifle
24.42 Collossus Killed Othello with a Goliath
24.45 Collossus Killed Freylis with a Goliath
24.58 Collossus Killed Blain with a Goliath
24.66 Worg Killed Cain with a SPMA
24.67 Wraith Killed Othello with a Raptor
24.86 Mordo4kin Headshot Wraith with a Sniper Rifle
24.99 Blain Killed Matrix with a Link Gun
25.05 Othello Killed Aspect with a Goliath
25.05 Othello Killed Collossus with a Goliath
25.14 Othello Killed Sharptooth with a Goliath
25.23 Freylis Killed Cain with a Raptor
25.26 Othello Killed Wraith with a Goliath
25.34 Othello Killed Sharptooth with a Goliath
25.37 Othello Killed Matrix with a Goliath
25.45 Freylis Killed Collossus with a Stinger Minigun
25.49 Othello Killed Aspect with a Goliath
25.53 Sharptooth Killed Othello with a Manta
25.60 Sharptooth Killed Freylis with a Manta
25.67 Sharptooth Killed Blain with a Manta
25.92 Mordo4kin Headshot Collossus with a Sniper Rifle
25.94 Matrix Killed Othello with a Link Gun
26.04 Mordo4kin Headshot Matrix with a Sniper Rifle
26.09 Blain Killed Sharptooth with a Link Gun
26.37 Mordo4kin Headshot Cain with a Sniper Rifle
26.54 Collossus Killed Freylis with a Goliath
26.54 Collossus Killed Othello with a Goliath
26.62 Aspect Killed Blain with a Manta
26.80 Othello Killed Collossus with a Manta
26.87 Othello Killed Aspect with a Manta
26.97 Blain Killed Sharptooth with a Stinger Minigun
26.99 Othello Killed Wraith with a Ran Over
27.15 Monarch Killed Matrix with a SPMA
27.20 Collossus Killed Othello with a Raptor
27.48 Blain Killed Collossus with a Goliath
27.54 Sharptooth Killed Freylis with a Scorpion
27.56 Blain Killed Wraith with a Goliath
27.88 Matrix Killed Blain with a Scorpion
27.98 Matrix Suicided with a Scorpion
28.04 Blain Killed Sharptooth with a Ran Over
28.08 Collossus Killed Othello with a Goliath
28.21 Collossus Killed Freylis with a Goliath
28.31 Monarch Killed Collossus with a SPMA
28.51 Mordo4kin Headshot Cain with a Sniper Rifle
28.52 Wraith Killed Mordo4kin with a Manta
28.62 Matrix Killed Freylis with a Vehicle Shock Turret
28.84 Aspect Killed Blain with a Link Gun
28.86 Othello Killed Aspect with a Raptor
28.91 Othello Killed Cain with a Raptor
28.95 Sharptooth Killed Freylis with a SPMA
28.95 Monarch Killed Collossus with a Flak Cannon
28.99 Sharptooth Killed Worg with a SPMA
29.12 Othello Killed Wraith with a Raptor
29.28 Worg Killed Sharptooth with a Goliath
29.32 Worg Killed Matrix with a Goliath
29.45 Wraith Killed Othello with a Stinger Minigun
29.48 Collossus Killed Blain with a Raptor
29.62 Collossus Killed Monarch with a Raptor
29.64 Worg Killed Wraith with a Goliath
29.77 Matrix Killed Worg with a Goliath
29.79 Matrix Killed Freylis with a Ran Over
29.89 Matrix Killed Blain with a Goliath
29.89 Matrix Killed Othello with a Goliath
30.12 Sharptooth Killed Worg with a Ran Over
30.19 Matrix Killed Othello with a Goliath
30.33 Monarch Killed Matrix with a Stinger Minigun
30.38 Freylis Killed Aspect with a Raptor
30.40 Blue Team Captured Flag!
30.62 Collossus Killed Freylis with a Link Gun
30.82 Freylis Killed Sharptooth with a Ran Over
30.92 Collossus Killed Blain with a Link Gun
31.12 Freylis Killed Aspect with a Manta
31.18 Collossus Killed Monarch with a Manta
31.19 Collossus Killed Freylis with a Manta
31.20 Worg Killed Matrix with a SPMA
31.20 Worg Killed Collossus with a SPMA
31.21 Cain Fell to their death
31.34 Blain Killed Wraith with a Stinger Minigun
31.77 Wraith Killed Blain with a Vehicle Shock Turret
31.77 Wraith Killed Monarch with a Vehicle Shock Turret
32.08 Cain Killed Freylis with a Stinger Minigun
32.15 Wraith Killed Othello with a Ran Over
32.18 Monarch Killed Matrix with a Goliath
32.22 Monarch Killed Aspect with a Goliath
32.25 Monarch Killed Collossus with a Goliath
32.25 Monarch Killed Wraith with a Goliath
32.79 Blue Team Captured Flag!
32.90 Sharptooth Killed Worg with a Link Gun
33.03 Blain Killed Matrix with a Manta
33.05 Monarch Killed Aspect with a Goliath
33.07 Freylis Killed Sharptooth with a Link Gun
33.17 Wraith Killed Othello with a Manta
33.20 Aspect Killed Monarch with a Stinger Minigun
33.31 Wraith Killed Freylis with a Manta
33.31 Blain Killed Collossus with a Manta
33.35 Aspect Killed Blain with a Stinger Minigun
33.62 Othello Killed Aspect with a Manta
33.66 Wraith Suicided with a Redeemer
33.71 Matrix Killed Freylis with a Goliath
33.73 Blain Killed Matrix with a Raptor
33.83 Cain Killed Othello with a Rocket Launcher
33.90 Blain Killed Collossus with a Raptor
34.29 Aspect Killed Freylis with a Manta
34.31 Monarch Killed Aspect with a Link Gun
34.35 Matrix Killed Othello with a Goliath
34.37 Worg Killed Matrix with a SPMA
34.39 Monarch Killed Wraith with a Link Gun
34.40 Sharptooth Killed Blain with a Link Gun
34.45 Monarch Killed Sharptooth with a Link Gun
34.54 Cain Killed Worg with a Stinger Minigun
34.59 Freylis Killed Cain with a Goliath
34.69 Collossus Killed Monarch with a Manta
34.86 Freylis Killed Collossus with a Goliath
34.94 Blain Killed Aspect with a Goliath Machine Gun
34.98 Wraith Killed Blain with a Vehicle Shock Turret
34.98 Wraith Killed Freylis with a Vehicle Shock Turret
35.20 Blain Killed Wraith with a Flak Cannon
35.31 Sharptooth Killed Othello with a Scorpion
35.34 Sharptooth Killed Freylis with a Scorpion
35.36 Sharptooth Killed Blain with a Scorpion
35.70 Wraith Killed Monarch with a Goliath
35.79 Matrix Killed Blain with a Scorpion
35.83 Matrix Killed Othello with a Scorpion
35.91 Wraith Killed Freylis with a Goliath
36.11 Sharptooth Fell to their death
36.14 Blue Team Captured Flag!
36.19 Wraith Killed Worg with a Goliath
36.23 Wraith Killed Othello with a Goliath
36.34 Blain Killed Aspect with a Raptor
36.34 Blain Killed Wraith with a Raptor
36.36 Freylis Killed Matrix with a Vehicle Shock Turret
36.41 Sharptooth Killed Blain with a Vehicle Shock Turret
36.66 Monarch Killed Sharptooth with a Goliath
36.88 Aspect Killed Freylis with a Manta
36.94 Monarch Killed Aspect with a Goliath
36.98 Monarch Killed Sharptooth with a Ran Over
37.04 Othello Killed Collossus with a Link Gun
37.27 Freylis Killed Wraith with a Ran Over
37.32 Freylis Killed Aspect with a Manta
37.33 Freylis Killed Collossus with a Manta
37.46 Freylis Killed Matrix with a Manta
37.46 Cain Killed Freylis with an Avril
37.59 Wraith Killed Othello with a Goliath
37.63 Wraith Killed Monarch with a Goliath
37.82 Blain Killed Matrix with a Manta
37.88 Blain Killed Wraith with a Manta
38.02 Freylis Killed Aspect with a Goliath
38.13 Matrix Killed Blain with a Flak Cannon
38.41 Blain Killed Wraith with a Stinger Minigun
38.47 Monarch Killed Sharptooth with a Goliath
38.54 Collossus Killed Othello with a Link Gun
38.67 Wraith Killed Blain with a Goliath
38.79 Monarch Killed Sharptooth with a Goliath
38.80 Sharptooth Killed Monarch with a Stinger Minigun
38.96 Blain Killed Aspect with a Manta
38.97 Wraith Killed Othello with a Goliath
39.06 Freylis Killed Wraith with a Manta
39.10 Sharptooth Killed Blain with a Manta
39.16 Worg Killed Sharptooth with a SPMA
39.21 Monarch Killed Cain with a Raptor
39.30 Wraith Killed Freylis with a Link Gun
39.48 Sharptooth Killed Monarch with a Raptor
39.67 Aspect Killed Blain with a Link Gun
39.71 Monarch Killed Wraith with a Ran Over
39.80 Sharptooth Killed Worg with a Raptor
39.86 Freylis Killed Collossus with a Link Gun
39.89 Blain Killed Sharptooth with a Goliath
39.99 Monarch Killed Aspect with a Vehicle Shock Turret
40.04 Monarch Killed Wraith with a Vehicle Shock Turret
40.14 Freylis Killed Collossus with a Stinger Minigun
40.33 Collossus Killed Freylis with a Stinger Minigun
40.35 Aspect Killed Othello with a Link Gun
40.35 Blain Killed Aspect with a Goliath
40.54 Blain Killed Collossus with a Goliath
40.81 Collossus Killed Freylis with a Manta
40.83 Collossus Killed Blain with a Ran Over
40.95 Sharptooth Killed Monarch with a Manta
41.03 Sharptooth Killed Othello with a Manta
41.04 Matrix Died from a Pancaked
41.12 Collossus Killed Worg with a Manta
41.19 Freylis Killed Sharptooth with a Stinger Minigun
41.26 Aspect Killed Freylis with a Stinger Minigun
41.26 Freylis Killed Cain with a Manta
41.51 Matrix Killed Blain with a Goliath
41.69 Blain Killed Aspect with a Goliath
41.69 Blain Killed Wraith with a Goliath
41.95 Aspect Killed Blain with a Manta
42.10 Sharptooth Killed Freylis with a Manta
42.15 Monarch Killed Aspect with a Stinger Minigun
42.19 Monarch Killed Collossus with a Stinger Minigun
42.20 Sharptooth Killed Monarch with a Manta
42.24 Sharptooth Killed Othello with a Pancaked
42.34 Freylis Killed Sharptooth with a Manta
42.58 Freylis Killed Sharptooth with a Manta
42.62 Othello Killed Wraith with a Raptor
42.67 Matrix Killed Blain with a Goliath
42.89 Wraith Killed Freylis with a Link Gun
42.91 Blain Killed Collossus with a Goliath
42.97 Othello Killed Sharptooth with a Raptor
43.12 Wraith Killed Othello with a Link Gun
43.32 Blain Killed Sharptooth with a Goliath
43.40 Cain Killed Blain with a Stinger Minigun
43.40 Cain Killed Freylis with a Stinger Minigun
43.49 Game Ended - Time Limit
612.94 Freylis Team Change to Red Team
612.94 Matrix Team Change to Blue Team
612.94 Cathode Team Change to Red Team
612.94 Othello Team Change to Red Team
612.94 Collossus Team Change to Blue Team
612.94 Sharptooth Team Change to Blue Team
612.94 Wraith Team Change to Blue Team

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